Monday, May 4, 2009

A Random Patch of Daisies

Before last week's storms I mowed the lawn. I LOVE daisies, and could not bring myself to mow them all down--hence this random patch of daisies in the middle of my lawn.

Heh heh heh...



  1. Good for you! There are daisies growing wild in my lawn next to my carport. I never mow them until they have "gone by"... They add too much sunshine to my eyes when I go out in the morning to go to work!

  2. I'm glad you didn't mow them--they are gorgeous!

  3. Yeh. I say the same thing about dandelions. Wah-haha (daisies are way cuter!)

  4. I love it, glad you didn't mow them and thanks for sharing the beauty of them with the rest of us :)

  5. Thou art on oh great and noble Gifted Sisters. Grabbing up the gauntlet as I head for the dryer lint flter to see if mayhaps there be a face or a heart in this unlikely place. I shall return!
