Friday, July 22, 2011

An Eye Full

This one's for you, Sissy!!!

My husband and I stopped at a local outlet mall along I-5. We were looking for a particular item to purchase. When I saw this storefront display, I did a double take.

Check out the models themselves--the girl has a guy's head--but not only that, they've both been pantsed. Remember when the kids would pant other kids in high school? Perhaps that is a term no one hears of anymore.

Have a lovely day!

An eye full, to be sure.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Wizard Trains Dragons!

Look closely at this beautiful work of art.
Do you see the dragon?
And the wizard?
And his shadow?

Well ...
The artist responsible for this gorgeous creation -

is a BIRD!
Yes, this incredible 'wizard trains dragons' is actually bird bop on the windshield of my car. Can you believe it?